Freedom Pancakes for Ukraine
Today’s episode is a special holiday episode: Freedom Pancakes for Ukraine! We are taking a short break from our focus on Neurodivergent Healthcare in honor of the holidays!
In this episode, I am joined by Dr. Janice Cohn, author of The Christmas Menorahs, and Paolo Volpati-Kedra, who features prominently in Freedome Pancakes for Ukraine!
At the end of the episode, I recommend that you make a tradition in your home of reading a new story about someone who was an upstander every year during the holidays!
It is a great time when we are already more focused on shining light into dark places! And it is a great way to help children see that they are capable of creating change in the world!
Such an empowering message that can help kids grow in their self-confidence and nurture the growth of more upstanders in the future!
Check out the episode to hear more about Freedom Pancakes for Ukraine, The Christmas Menorahs, and teaching your children about being an upstander!
See the Show Notes below!
Listen to this Episode Here
Show Notes
- Freedom Pancakes for Ukraine
- The Christmas Menorahs
- Dr. Janice Cohn
- Paolo Volpati-Kedra
- Amy’s Book
- Amy Bodkin Special Needs Membership
I hope you enjoyed listening to today’s episode and gained some new insights into the wonderful variety of people in our world!
And remember, Special Needs Kids are People Too!
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