PANDAS: The Fight Against Chronic Inflammation
Today’s show is all about PANDAS: The Fight Against Chronic Inflammation! Join me and my guest, Ethan Pompeo, to find out what PANDAS is and more broadly what PANS is!
Ethan is a husband, father, entrepreneur, and has PANDAS, or as it is formally know: Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal Infections. (Now you see why everyone just calls it PANDAS!)
During this episode, Ethan not only shares his story of living with PANDAS and reaching a place of acceptance and proactive positivity, but he also shares with us his 3 step plan to living with chronic inflammation well: Stop, Start, and Smile!
The things that Ethan has found to help him live with his chronic inflammation will be helpful not just to PANDAS sufferers but to those with an number of chronic inflammatory conditions including Long COVID!
Check out the Show Notes for links to Ethan’s company, Green Valley Nutrition!
See the Show Notes below!
Listen to this Episode Here
Show Notes
I hope you enjoyed listening to today’s episode and gained some new insights into the wonderful variety of people in our world!
And remember, Special Needs Kids are People Too!
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