In this episode we talk all about Interoception with Whitney Whitten of Sensational Moms!
Whitney is an Occupational Therapist turned Coach who likes to encourage moms to address their own sensory needs, and it all begins with Interoception! And who better to help you with that than an Occupational Therapist?!?
What is Interoception and how can it impact your home? It is what helps us be able to recognize how we feel and what we need. This is critical for moms because we function best as moms when we are taking good care of ourselves and listening to our bodies!
But as moms we all have so many responsibilities and worries on our plates — especially those who have needs that fall outside the average — how do we take care of ourselves when we feel like there is nothing left to meet our needs?
Join us today to find out more about Interoception!
See the Show Notes below!
Listen to this Episode Here
Show Notes
- Free strategies for touched-out, talked-out moms: Contact Whitney for a free initial 30 minute coaching strategy call!
- Read more about Self-Regulation for Moms:
- Learn more about Interoception here:
- Amy’s NEW Book!
- Amy Bodkin Special Needs Membership
I hope you enjoyed listening to today’s episode and gained some new insights into the wonderful variety of people in our world!
And remember, Special Needs Kids are People Too!
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