Q&A: Primitive Reflexes
Today is our Q&A episode about Primitive Reflexes! And I invited Sarah Collins of Homeschool OT to help us out as we dive into this topic!
Sarah is not just a talented OT. She is also a homeschool mom with lived experience with retained primitive reflexes!
What are primitive reflexes? Primitive reflexes are things that our bodies naturally do as babies but that we loose as we develop.
When development gets interrupted, we can end up retaining our primitive reflexes instead of loosing them, which can cause a lot of difficulties in ALL areas of development!
Join me in today’s episode, Q&A: Primitive Reflexes, as I talk with Sarah about what all you need to know about primitive reflexes!
See the Show Notes below!
Listen to this Episode Here
Show Notes
- Primitive Reflexes Chart
- The Pyramid of Potential
- All Things Sensory (Podcast)
- Reflex Integration Through Play series
- Homeschool OT
- Homeschool and Occupational Therapy with Sarah Collins, homeschool OT
- Amy Bodkin Special Needs Membership
I hope you enjoyed listening to today’s episode and gained some new insights into the wonderful variety of people in our world!
And remember, Special Needs Kids are People Too!
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