Episode #6: What It Means to "Do No Harm"
Toward ABA Reform
Welcome to episode #6 of Special Needs Kids are People Too!
I am planting my flag on the side of ABA Reform with this episode.
It’s the release of the highlights reel from our ABAI symposium, Toward Applied Behavior Analysis Reform: What It Means to “Do No Harm.”
Generally speaking, people don’t go into a service profession hoping to hurt other people, but we do need to constantly be checking ourselves. When we look back over the long history of medicine, we can point to countless instances where harm was done out of ignorance because we don’t know what we don’t know.
But this does not excuse us from the responsibility of constantly challenging our previously held assumptions to see if they hold up under scrutiny. We have to start a conversation between the professional community, and the only people who can tell us how we might be causing unintentional harm: Autistic Adults.
This episode includes 5 different speakers from the Symposium titled Toward Applied Behavior Analysis Reform: What It Means to “Do No Harm” at the ABAI 2021 Convention.
- @ 4:10 – 16:00 Intro w/ Madison Holcomb (Camp Encourage)
“A Too-Short, Very Incomplete Introduction to Masking: The Practice, Effectiveness, Costs and Ethics of Performing Neurotypicality” - @ 16:00 – 22:15 Rosie Rossi (BIOS ABA Consultants, LLC)
“Checking Blind Spots: Navigating Neurotypical Standards of Social Skills as it Relates to Neurodivergent Clients” - @ 22:15 – 32:45 Katie Murray (The Chicago School of Professional Psychology, BIOS ABA Consultants)
“Current BCBA Training: What Did I Just Learn?” - @ 34:03 – 48:00 Amy Bodkin (Amy Bodkin Consulting LLC)
“Towards a More Ethical and Developmental Approach to Applied Behavior Analysis” - @ 48:00 – 59:54 Jamine Layne Dettmering (The Chicago School of Professional Psychology, BIOS ABA, National Louis University)
You can download the entire symposium audio recording as well as a PDF of each participant’s slides here:
Listen to Episode #6 Here:
To help further reform in this field, I have created a course for professionals titled “Towards a More Ethical and Developmental Approach to Applied Behavior Analysis.”
The course provides up to 12 CEU Credits including 3 Ethics CEUs. Amy Bodkin Consulting LLC is an authorized BACB ACE Provider. Click here for more info.
Educate yourself and others. Share this episode and help us work together to bring about longer, happier lives for Autistics!
As Maya Angelou said, “Do the best you can until you know better, Then when you know better, do better.”
ABAI 2021 Convention Symposium detail page
#autismacceptance #abareform #specialneedskidsarepeopletoo
And remember, Special Needs Kids are People Too!

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