Talking with My Children About Antisemitism and Hate

One of the hardest things to support a child through is the hateful acts of others, especially as many children feel powerless to stand up against it.
I cannot tell you the number of times I have heard a child say, “No one cares what I think. I’m just a kid.”
This has been a tough year for my own children. One of the ways I can support them is by giving them opportunities to use their voice.
When we can express our feelings and be heard, it often keeps us from feeling so alone and can even leave us feeling empowered!
At a time when almost 60 American Universities are being investigated for Civil Rights violations towards Jewish and Muslim students, I feel that what my children have to say is not only timely but insightful.
Hanukkah this year is still a time to light a flame and shine, but it is also a year where the shadow of antisemitism is ever-present.
Happy Hanukkah, and may we all dig deep within ourselves to find the courage to stand against hate in all of its forms – but most especially with Jewish families, who are bearing the brunt of it right now.
See the Show Notes below for links!
Listen to this Episode Here
Show Notes
- The Christmas Menorahs: How a Town Fought Hate by Janice Cohn (website here)
- Jewish Cultural History Online Class at A Charlotte Mason Plenary
- Amy’s Personal Facebook Profile
I hope you enjoyed listening to today’s episode and gained some new insights into the wonderful variety of people in our world!
And remember, Special Needs Kids are People Too!
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