Help Series: Talking through the ABCs – Action Steps You Can Take When Talking with Kids About Difficult Topics

Going through difficult experiences can be hard enough. Talking with your kids about them can feel impossible.
Here are a few ABCs to keep in mind when talking to your child about ANY difficult topic!
A is for Age Appropriate
When kids ask questions, you only have to answer what they actually asked. Keep it simple. They do not need a detailed explanation. For example, in the book Bambi by Felix Salten, Bambi’s mother tells him that hunters have come to the forest. She does not go into great detail about all of the specific things that might mean.
B is for Be Honest and Be Present
Children need to be able to trust their parents, and if we are not honest with them, they may imagine far worse. Remember to be present and available to your children. Your presence can be reassuring and give you the opportunity to answer additional questions that may surface later on.
C is for Consistent Rhythm
Find a rhythm that can help your children find some stability. Not knowing what to expect can be one of the most challenging aspects of being a child because their brains are still developing and do not cope as well with sudden change.
D is Delete Visual Media and Drop Expectations
Children can be easily overwhelmed by visual media, especially visual media about difficult topics that their brains are not ready to process yet. Verbal explanations give them the opportunity to take in only what their ears are ready to hear.
Also be sure to drop expectations when children are processing big feelings because, once again, it is very easy for their brains to become overloaded.
E is for Express Your Love, Express Your Goodness, and Express Your Faith
Children need to be reminded of all the good things in the world when they come up against difficult ideas and events. They need to be reminded that love, goodness, and faith still exist!
Help Series
And remember, Special Needs Kids are People Too!
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