Low-Demand Parenting

I recorded this episode back in the spring before I got sick, and so Amanda’s book, Low-Demand Parenting, has already been out for several months.
The conversation we had was quite fascinating! As it turns out, Amanda Diekman is also an Autistic adult who thinks in patterns!
I have found that when an Autistic adult who thinks in patterns writes a book, it is worth reading because it will help you understand exactly how everything fits together!
Low-Demand Amanda is no different! In this episode, she provides us with a great overview of what “Low-Demand Parenting” is all about!
See the Show Notes below for links!
Listen to this Episode Here
Show Notes
- Low-Demand Parenting by Amanda Diekman
- Low-Demand Amanda
I hope you enjoyed listening to today’s episode and gained some new insights into the wonderful variety of people in our world!
And remember, Special Needs Kids are People Too!
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