Episode 11: Individualized Education Plans: Our Guarantee to Children
Welcome to episode #11 of Special Needs Kids are People Too!
I have had the privilege of knowing some pretty fantastic teachers!! But for all of us who are part of an IEP team – whether we are a teacher, parent, administrator, advocate, etc. – it is essential that we make certain that each child’s IEP does what it was intended to do: guarantee children that we are prepared to provide them the support they need to grow and learn!!
Let’s start taking IEP writing seriously and not just selecting from drop down menus… because Special Needs Kids are People Too!!
And if you need help, reach out! There are so many adults willing to consult and share their experiences!!
Listen Here:
I hope you enjoyed listening to today’s episode and gained some new insights into the wonderful variety of people in our world!
And remember, Special Needs Kids are People Too!

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